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Cinnabar Jump For Joy

MACH2 Cinnabar Jump For Joy MXB MJB MXF MFB TQX T2B -- "JJ"
shetland sheepdog, shelties, hawaii, oahu, dogs, west oahu kennel club, hawaii kennel club, dog shows, agility, obedience, bonding, relationships, loyalty

co-owned with Les Saito

shetland sheepdog, shelties, hawaii, oahu, dogs, west oahu kennel club, hawaii kennel club, dog shows, agility, obedience, bonding, relationships, loyalty

JJ and Les working as a team

We could not be prouder of co-owner and good friend Les Saito, JJ (also know as Jet to her close friends).  As a team, they are a joy to watch exhibiting speed, fluidity and accuracy.

Les is a very accomplished handler - he finished his first dog, Rocky, a Papillon, to his MACH, the first dog in Hawaii to earn the coveted agility title.


We wish Les and JJ all the very best as she kicks her career into high gear!

Warmest congratulations again!

shetland sheepdog, shelties, hawaii, oahu, dogs, west oahu kennel club, hawaii kennel club, dog shows, agility, obedience, bonding, relationships, loyalty

European Open 2016 Tryouts 

JJ earning a qualifying score at the Obedience Training Club's all breed agility trial under judge Larry Brockett, 18th June 2011.

Course yardage was 141 yards, SCT was 43 seconds. JJ's time was 24.39 seconds ~ 5.78 yards per second.


Not bad considering the tumble time!

Beautiful JJ relaxing after a successful trial weekend at Salt Lake Elementary School (August 2016)

JJ's pedigree

Pictures taken by Scott Seo

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